Mission Statement:
The mission here at Let-It-Trade.com is simple... we are investors of MMTLP as well as MMAT, many who’s lives have been financially impacted by market corruption, manipulation, and fraud...
We will NOT stand for it any longer, our mission is to bring this to resolution for every shareholder of MMTLP, we feel strongly corruption has taken place and on the backs of those whom should never have to carry the weight of corrupt hedge funds and federal regulators!
We will not stop until we all get justice! LET-IT-TRADE!
Who's Behind let-it-trade.com?
The website was initially built by: Karma (twitter handle @LetItTrade) an MMTLP dedicated community member who's spend 100's of hours creating, marketing, and additionally funding let-it-trade.com for the entire MMTLP community. (Why does KARMA elect not to be public?... Because he doesn't care about the recognition, he's a large shareholder who just wants to move on with his life after MMTLP is brought to a resolution). Over the past 2-weeks a few others have joined in whom also would like to remain anonymous, but also have been doing a great job helping the cause!
How is/was Let-It-Trade.com Funded?
Part 1) The website launched on 3/14/23 with the goals of hitting 250k views within a 30-day window. A GoFundMe fundraiser had taken place and the site went live. The fundraiser has generated $13,328 before KARMA remove the campaign and suspend marketing efforts due to some confusion by a few members within in the MMTLP twitter community that had mistakenly donated, thinking it was for another cause. A statement was quickly issued on the website as well as twitter offering refunds to any individual whom would like one for any reason.
Part 2) After receiving an overwhelming amount of emails from community members as well as off twitter marketing efforts thanking us for all the hard work and efforts, we've decided to move forward once again and reorganize marketing efforts. After refunds provided, previous Google Ad Campaign and GoFundMe Fees deducted from total funds a balance remains $9,640 for the marketing of Let-It-Trade.com
Part 3) This above situation unfortunately did setback marketing efforts for a period of two weeks when the ball was moving hard and fast, startup of this will take additional funding and KARMA has decided to place an additional $5000 into the project from his own capital, this will insure NOTHING will stop this traction again.
How Can I Help?
MMTLP has a lot of emotion attached to it for many individuals, from all walks of life. We urge EVERYONE to do you part, whether that be financially if you have the means... donate to your favorite cause, it doesn't have to be us.. there are plenty of people doing their part, HELP THEM this isn't easy work! If you have a skill, offer it! If your time is limited, make a post on social media to help spread the word about MMTLP and what is going on, listen we are all in this together, lets make it happen!
In Closing
I would like to personally thank John Brda and those in the MMTLP Community whom have supported the creation of this website from day one, it's creation is for no other purpose than to spread the word hard and fast about the corruption and devastation that MMTLP holders have undergone.
So in closing... lend a hand, do your part and we will all move faster towards a resolution!
Thank you all and God Bless.
- KARMA @LetItTrade (Twitter)